Electoral Constituencies Act 2019:   English Version

Electoral Commission Act 2019:  English Version 

Electoral Act 2019:   Samoan Version  |    English Version

Oaths Affidavits & Declarations Act 1963:  English Version

Electoral Amendment Act 2021:   English Version

Commission of Inquiry into the General Elections 2021: Samoan  |    English



To register, you must:

·     Be a Samoan Citizen

·     Be 21 years old (you may pre-register if you turn 21 by the Polling Date of the Elections)

·     Have resided in stated village for 6 consecutive months OR qualify under any of the qualifications outlined.

·     NOT be detained in place of security under the Mental Health Act 2007;

·     NOT be detained in a prison under a conviction

·     NOT have your name on the Corrupt Practices List.

Register to vote:

With this form, you can register to vote in the elections for the Independent State of Samoa. For NEW registrations, you

must complete ALL unshaded sections. You can also use this form to:

  • Transfer your vote
  • Amend your Registration